Uroš on Mini Transat – Leg 1

ENG: This is it! No more excuses or delays. The start of the Mini Transat regatta is upon us, and most of all, Uroš.
The Mini Transat remains a special event in the world of ocean racing. At this event, no computer is allowed, no satellite link, no sending of photos and videos, and no exchange with family or friends. The only link with the land is a daily bulletin broadcast on SSB radio by the Race Direction to provide the weather situation, the 48-hour forecast and the distances to the finish of each competitor. A welcome contrast to the world of hyper-communication and digital hyperconnection allows for an adventure with a capital A.


Zdaj gre zares! Brez izgovorov in odlogov. Uradni začetek regate Mini Transat je tik pred našimi, predvsem pa Uroševimi vrati. 
Mini Transata se v prekooceanskih jadralnih krogih drži res poseben sloves. Udeleženci ne smejo uporabljati računalnika, satelitskih povezav, prepovedano je na druge načine pošiljati slike ali videe ali kakorkoli vzpostaviti stik z družino in prijatelji. Edina povezava, ki jo imajo s kopnim so dnevno, preko radijske postaje predvajane novice s strani organizatorja, ki zajemajo trenutno vremensko situacijo in napoved za naslednjih 48 ur ter milje, ki so vsakemu od tekmovalcev ostale do cilja. Očiten in dobrodošel kontrast dobi konstantne komunikacije in povezanosti, ki omogoča neprimerljivo dogodivščino. 

ENG: First leg of the race starts on Sunday 24th of September in Les Sables d’Olonne and finishes about a week later in Santa Cruz de La Palma in the Canary Islands. Follow it via Youtube live stream and GPS tracker below.

SLO: Na prvo etapo regate se bodo tekmovalci podali že to nedeljo, 24. septembra iz fracnoskega Les Sables d’Olonne. Na prvem cilju, v Santa Cruz de la Palmi na Kanarskih otokih jih pričakujemo v približno tednu dni. Dogajanje lahko v živo spremljate na Youtube predvajanju v živo in preko GPS sledilnika. Linka do obojega najdete spodaj. 


08. 10. 2023 11:00

ENG: The man of the hour has had his beauty sleep and reconnected with the world.
Looking back and analysing your work is essential; that is just what we did with Uroš and Jure. Jure explains the strategy, and Uroš shares his point of view. I hope you find it exciting and now understand the dynamics of the ocean racing a bit better.

SLO: Naš junak se je naspal in dobil nazaj svoj telefon. Sedaj je čas za analizo Juretom, da se napake ne ponovijo v drugi etapi. Zadeve smo se lotili tako, da Jure razloži strategijo, Uroš pa deli svoje svoj pogled na situacijo in kako je to izgledalo v realnosti. Upam, da vam je naše nakladanje vsaj malo zanimivo in zdaj nekoliko bolje razumete dinamiko regatnega oceanskega jadranja.

05. 10. 2023 09:00

ENG: Uroš finished 6th!!! 2h and 38 min behind the winner, which will make the 2nd leg that much more interesting!

SLO: Uroš je uspel prehiteti še enega jadralca tik pred ciljem in končal na 6. mestu!!! 2 uri in 38 minut za zmagovalcem, zaradi česar bo 2. etapa še toliko bolj zanimiva!

05. 10. 2023 09:00

ENG: Uroš now on the final approach in 7th place as the leaders struggle to reach the finish line in low winds. It is now most important for Uroš to close the gap and leave them with as little advantage for the second leg. The overall winner of the Mini Transat is determined by the combined time of both legs. Tune in for the tense final moments of the first half. The tracker now updates every half hour.

SLO: Uroš jadra zadnje milje na 7. mestu, medtem ko vodilni upočasnjujejo in se trudijo priti do cilja v šibkem vetru. Za Uroša je zdaj najbolj pomembno, da zmanjša zaostanek in jih pusti čim manj prednosti za drugo etapo. Skupni zmagovalec Mini Transata je namreč določen s skupnim časom obeh etap. Spremljajte napete zadnje trenutke prvega polčasa. Sledilnik se zdaj posodablja vsake pol ure.

03. 10. 2023 13:00

ENG: Uroš now in the lead group racing downwind with an average speed above 10 knots. Jure says he is out of the transition zones and only steady tradewinds ahead. So we are into a heart-racing dash to the end of the first leg. We expect him to finish on Thursday morning. Hopefully, in front! GO UROŠ!

SLO: Uroš zdaj v vodilni skupini divja z vetrom v krmo s povprečno hitrostjo nad 10 vozlov. Jure pravi, da se je zdaj rešil vetrovnih tranzicij in da so pred njim le še stalni pasati. Čaka nas divji juriš do konca prve etape. Uroša pričakujemo na cilju najbrž nekje v četrtek zjutraj. Upajmo, da med prvimi. GREMO UROŠ!

01. 10. 2023 11:00

ENG: And what a birthday it was! Our good vibes were acknowledged, and Uroš gave himself the best gift he could wish for. In those 24 hours, he managed to sail 131,5 NM with an average speed of 5,5 knots. The best performance in the whole fleet. By this, he cut down his lag behind the leaders by half and put himself in a great position to keep attacking them today!

SLO: In kakšen rojstni dan je to bil! Naše dobre želje so bile uslišane in Uroš si je podaril najboljše darilo, kar bi si ga lahko želel. V 24 urah mu je uspelo prejadrati 131,5 NM s povprečno hitrostjo 5,5 vozla, kar je najboljši rezultat v celotni floti. S tem je prepolovil svoj zaostanek za vodilnimi in se postavil v odličen položaj za današnje nadaljevanje napada!

30. 09. 2023 11:00

ENG: Big day for Uroš! He is celebrating his birthday today, and we wish him some super fast sailing, no black and white dolphins with an attitude in sight and that every little system on Ashika II keeps on working! Have the time of your life. Happy birthday, and GO UROOŠ!

SLO: Pomemben dan za Uroša! Danes praznuje svoj rojstni dan! Želimo mu super hitro jadranje, brez srečanj s črnobelimi agresivnimi delfini in da bi vsi sistemi na njegovi Ashiki II delovali še naprej, tako kot morajo. Uživaj, kar se le da. Vse najboljše in GREMO UROOŠ!

29. 09. 2023 18:00

ENG: Was he taking us for a ride? Or did he feel Jures unhappiness through the vibration of the universe? Uroš turned back at the last moment and went inside the TSS, which immediately paid off as he closed the gap to the leaders by 4 miles. But the winds are still very light, and now those who went for the western route seem to be one of the rare boats that are really moving. This is an emotional rollercoaster. I hope he enjoys it. 

SLO: Nas je Uroš malo vlekel za nos? Ali pa je Juretovo nezadovoljstvo začutil preko vibracij vesolja? Kakorkoli že, Uroš se je zadnji trenutek obrnil in šel po notranji strani TSS, kar se mu je takoj obrestovalo, saj je zaostanek za vodilnimi zmanjšal za 4 milje. Toda vetrovi so še vedno zelo šibki in zdi se, da so tisti, ki so se odločili za zahodno pot, ene redkih jadrnic, ki se zares premikajo. Kakšna čustvena nihanja nam povzroča. Upam, da uživa.

28. 09. 2023 18:00
Jure Jerman

ENG: Uroš started well, stuck to the plan and kept to the tail of the leading group. The fleet has undergone quite a few transitions in wind systems and rhythm changes, which bring a large number of sail changes. 

The first days, they struggled with areas of no wind and strong headwinds. What worries us now is that he continues his way west (which was otherwise one of the legitimate options), but we agreed that he should get around Finisterre inside the TSS (Traffic Separation Scheme, the red area on the tracker which is forbidden to enter). Now, the sailors are fighting through the tail of the last cold front with winds over 30 knots.

What would the western option bring? It seems nothing good for now because there are no typical northwesterly winds on the other side of the front, or their duration is very short-lived. In general, there will not be well-established NW winds along the west coast of the Iberian island over the next few days, so the sailors will still have a lot of work to do over areas with light winds.

SLO: Uroš je dobro štartal, se držal načrta in se držal repa vodilne skupine. Flota je šla čez kar nekaj tranzicij v vetrovnih sistemih in menjav ritma, ki s seboj prinašajo veliko število menjav jader.

Prve dni so se spopadali tako z območji brezvetrja, kot močnih nasprotnih vetrov. Kar nas sedaj nekoliko skrbi je, da nadaljuje pot proti zahodu (kar je bila sicer ena od legitmnih opcij), čeprav smo se dogovorili, da skuša okoli Finisterra priti po notranji strani TSS-a (shema ločene plovbe, ki je na sledilniku označena z rdečim področjem, kamor je prepovedano vpluti). Sedaj se sicer jadralci prebijajo skozi rep zadnje hladne fronte s suki vetra preko 30 vozlov.

Kaj bi prinesla zahodna opcija: kot kaže zaenkrat nič dobrega, saj na drugi strani fronte ni sicer običajnih severozahodni vetrov oziroma je njihovo trajanje zelo kratkotrajno. Na splošno ob zahodni obali Iberskega polotoka v naslednjih dneh ne bo dobro vzpostavljenih SZ vetrov, tako da bo pred jadralci še precej prebijanja čez območja s šibkimi vetrovi.

25. 09. 2023 08:00

ENG: Today is the day! Uroš will leave the docks in about two hours and proceed to the starting area. The start is scheduled for 13:30 CEST time. Our webpage is updated with the tracker and official live video transmission. There is nothing left for us to do but to wish Uroš all the best + some fast sailing. Jure’s calculations show it will take him 9-10 days to finish the first leg at Santa Cruz de la Palma.

SLO: Napočil je dan! Uroš  okoli 10:30 odpluje proti območju štarta, ki je planiran za 13:30. Na naši spletni strani zdaj najdete tracker in uradni video prenos štarta. Zdaj nam ne preostane drugega, kot da Urošu zaželimo vso srečo in veliko hitrega jadranja. Po izračunih meteorologa Jureta bodo jadralci potrebovali 9-10 dni, da zaključijo prvo etapo in se spet preštejejo v Santa Cruz de la Palmi. 


23. 09. 2023 11:00

BIG UPDATE: No start on Sunday!

Due to the weather situation around Cape Finisterre the start of the La Boulangère Mini Transat is postponed. New start time is on Monday 25th of September at 13:30.

21. 09. 2023 10:00

ENG: On the eve of the race, we invite you to join Uroš and Jure online, where they will explain the race in detail and answer all your questions. Watch live and post your questions in the comments. 

SLO: Na večer pred regato vas vabimo, da se pridružite Urošu in Juretu, ki vam bosta razložila vse detajle o regati in odgovorila na vaša vprašanja. Glejte v živo in postavite svoja vprašanja v komentarje.

18. 09. 2023 12:00

ENG: On Monday, 6 days before the start of La Boulangère Mini Transat we find all 90 skippers in the race village at Les Sables-d’Olonne taking care of last final details. Uroš and Ashika II seem to be in good shape, Uroš just needs to bulk up on his sleep.

SLO: Ponedeljek je, le še 6 dni do začetka regate La Boulangère Mini Transat. Celotna flota 90 jadralcev, v vasi Les Sables-d’Olonne, od koder bodo štartali prvo etapo, ureja zadnje malenkosti. Uroš in njegova Ashika II sta takorekoč pripravljena, le še močno zalogo spanja morata nagrmaditi. 

09. 09. 2023 12:00

ENG: What is wrong with Ashika II!? Nothing, quite the opposite. Photos were taken last week when the stability test was performed to prove that Ashika II is as seaworthy as she looks. An inclining test is performed with the keel on the centerline for boats with a canting keel. After the keel is fully canted, the resulting heel is recorded so that the effect of the canting keel on the boat’s stability can be calculated. The result of these calculations is the angle from which the boat will still return to being upright and won’t capsize.

Ashika II passed it with flying colours and even allowed a little more angle of the canting keel to be used, which meant a slight performance gain.
Later, Uroš and Ashika II went through the safety equipment inspection radio check, which also brought above-average results, navigation lights test, etc. Ashika II is now fully certified and allowed to participate in Mini Transat 2023.

SLO: Kaj je narobe z Ashiko II?! Nič, pravzaprav ravno nasprotno. Zastrašujoče fotografije prikazujejo test stabilnosti, ki ga je prejšnji teden Ashika II prestala in tako dokazala, da je pripravljena na ocean. Test izvedejo tako, da obteženo kobilico premaknejo v skrajno lego in izmerijo nagib jadrnice. Na ta način preračunajo kot, pod katerim kobilica še omogoča, da se jadrnica varno postavi pokonci in ne prevrne. 

Ashika II je test ne le prestala, ampak prejela odlične izračune. Uroš bo lahko kobilico nagnil še nekoliko bolj kot do zdaj, kar bi lahko pomenilo dodatno prednost. 

Uroš in Ashika II sta opravila tudi ostale varnostne preglede opreme, radijske postaje, ki je ravno tako prinesla nadpovprečne rezultate, pregled navigacijskih luči in tako naprej. Jadrnica ima tako vsa potrebna dovoljenja in certifikat, da se lahko varno udeleži Mini Transata 2023. 

ENG: Spring 2021

We were sitting on my balcony with Uroš one day having a beer [because no great story begins with “We were having a salad…”] discussing whatnot when the talk went to the attempt by Tit Plevnik and Ivica Kostelić to break the Guinness World for the longest non-stop distance sailed double-handed on a dinghy sailboat. Their attempt was abandoned last year due to the poor weather forecast and time constrictions. Uroš went silent for a moment or two and then, out of the blue, said in his thick, mumbling accent, “Mi mo to “nardili!” or roughly translated to “We’ll do this!”

Fast forward to June 2021, I was on a motorboat with the support team (Anže, Jaka and Jan) following two crazy tough brother and sister, sailing through 84 hot, cold, frustrating, sometimes dangerous hours on the sea. We made history that day, but little did we know it was just the beginning.

SLO: Pomlad 2021
Z Urošem sva nekega dne sedela na balkonu mojega stanovanja, pila pivo (ker se nobena dobra zgodba ne začne z: “Jedli smo solato…”) in na široko razpravljala o tem in onem, ko je debata nanesla na Tita Plevnika in Ivico Kostelića. Konkretno na to, kako sta leto poprej poskušala podreti Guinnessov rekord v najdaljši, v dvoje prejadrani razdalji v jadrnici tipa dinghy (brez kabine, z dvižno kobilico). Poskus sta predčasno zaključila zaradi slabih vremenskih pogojev in časovnih omejitev.

Uroš je za trenutek ali dva pomenljivo utihnil, potem pa nenadoma, s svojim močnim, momljajočim štajerskim naglasom izjavil: “Mi bomo to nardili!”

Prevrtimo zdaj čas na junij 2021. Z motornim čolnom in podporno ekipo (Anže, Jaka in Jan) spremljam zmešana brata in sestro, ki 84 ur neprekinjeno jadrata skozi vročino, mraz in frustracije, pa tudi občasne nevarnosti morja. Tisti dan smo pisali zgodovino, nismo pa se zares zavedali, da je vse skupaj šele začetek.